
Farge none ...
Standardfarge|Standardfärg|Standard colour|Vakioväri|Standardfarbe||Standard colour|||Couleur standard|
Bestillingsfarge|Beställningsfärg|Colour ordered|Tilausväri|Bestellfarbe||Colour ordered|||Couleur commandée|
Motor none ...
Uten motor|Utan motor|No engine|Ilman moottoria|Ohne Motor||No engine|||Pas de moteur|
Elmotor|Elmotor|Electrical motor|Sähkömoottori|Elektromotor||Electrical motor|||Electrical motor|
Konsoll og oppbevaring none ...
No option detected for the component. You need at least one option per component.
Annet utstyr none ...
No option detected for the component. You need at least one option per component.
Tilbehør none ...
No option detected for the component. You need at least one option per component.